Features by Industry Sector
You can use FormsFly in just about any industry, but some uses crop up again and again, because mobile forms are such a good fit in these business areas...

eg tree surgeons, landscapers, forestry, farming, etc.

Construction & Engineering
eg builders, plumbers, electrical contractors, shop fitters, etc.

Estate Agents & Property Sales
eg estate agents, letting agents, etc.

Heath & Medical
eg occupational health, consultants, spas, etc.

eg couriers, shipping/despatch depts, haulage firms, etc.
They say a picture paints a thousand words, so we have uploaded some screenshots on our support site.
FormsFly Connect
Unique to FormsFly is this nifty connector to help you integrate an Access database with the mobile forms.
Combined with our template for creating new forms in MS-Excel, this can really cut down the time it takes to get you up and running.
Fancy a demo? Let us know and we'd be happy to show you.