Create Your Mobile App

What Are "Tasks"?

Send Jobs to a Device

You can send a FormsFly "Task" to one of your mobile team, and it arrives on their device right away.

It might be a customer job that you want them to go to, a form you want them to fill in, or perhaps a document you need them to read.

Their "Task List" shows them what they need to do (see the example screenshot).

Prefill the Form

If you need them to complete a form (perhaps a job or inspection), you can pre-fill the customer details and the task.

Your mobile colleague can then do the job and fill the rest of the form, whereupon it all wings its way back to you instantly.

Integrate With Your System

Use our programming interface (or get us to do it) and you can send jobs out at the click of a button. You could also have the data come automatically back into your system, if you wish.

Need More Detail?

View help and how-to articles about Tasks on the support site..



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